Hurford Flooring’s Genuine Oak Wide Engineered Timber Flooring Chocolate utilizes its subtle brush texture and ultra matte finish to showcase a highly contemporary style. The planks of this collection have micro beveled edges that add a more authentic look to the style. You can see the seamless fit after installing this engineered timber using the tongue and groove method.
Warm and smooth, Hurford Flooring’s Genuine Oak Wide Engineered Timber Flooring in Chocolate colour has a dark grain pattern that deepens the hue. Try a tip from our team at the Online Flooring Store and put the Chocolate style together with light-coloured wood cabinets in a modern kitchen. This engineered timber flooring comes ready for installation thanks to the presence of a tongue and groove click system on the ends and sides of each plank. The finished planks feature an ultra matte look and superior UV lacquer.
Key Features:
- Easy installation with tongue and groove click system
- Micro bevel edge profile for seamless fit
- UV cured 7 coat Treffert lacquer system
- Subtle brush texture surface
- Ultra matte finish
- 15mm thickness planks
Plank size: 2200 x 240 mm
Thickness: 15 mm
Qty per carton: 5 pcs
Area per carton: 2.64 m2
Veneer: 4 mm
Nested boards in packs: Yes
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