Hurford Flooring’s Genuine Oak Elegant Engineered Timber Flooring in Smouldered colour has micro beveled edges that fit together without gaping. You will notice a more natural look to this flooring thanks to those seamless edges and the 4mm oak wear layer. This engineered timber flooring is prefinished with 7 coats of Treffert UV cured lacquer.
A slight reddish-orange tinge makes the Hurford Flooring’s Genuine Oak Elegant Engineered Timber Flooring in Smouldered colour feel fresh and open in any space. This engineered timbered flooring comes in boxes of 6. Every board is prefinished with 7 coats of UV cured Treffert lacquer. Our team at the Online Flooring Store likes contrasting the Smouldered style with dark colours with cool tones to offset the pale reddish brown.
Key Features:
- Easy installation with tongue and groove click system
- Micro bevel edge profile for seamless fit
- UV cured 7 coat Treffert lacquer system
- Subtle brush texture surface
- Ultra matte finish
- 15mm thickness planks
Plank size: 1900 x 190 mm
Thickness: 15 mm
Qty per carton: 6 pcs
Area per carton: 2.17 m2
Veneer: 4 mm
Nested boards in packs: Yes
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