Hurford Flooring’s Genuine Oak Wide Engineered Timber Flooring Smouldered is a beautiful choice for your interior spaces and comes precoated with multiple layers of Treffert lacquer. Each plank of this engineered timber has an ultra matte finish that does not shine unnaturally but gleams with life. You can see a visible difference between this and other, less high-quality options.
Fading extends across many planks in the light brown Hurford Flooring’s Genuine Oak Wide Engineered Timber Flooring in Smouldered colour. Every board is 15mm thick with a 4mm lamella made out of high-quality oak timber. Try a tip from our team at the Online Flooring Store and add the Smouldered style to large spaces in your home to give them a rustic look. This flooring is an exceptional choice for a small space due to the large, wide boards that help fill out those types of rooms.
Key Features:
- Easy installation with tongue and groove click system
- Micro bevel edge profile for seamless fit
- UV cured 7 coat Treffert lacquer system
- Subtle brush texture surface
- Ultra matte finish
- 15mm thickness planks
Plank size: 2200 x 240 mm
Thickness: 15 mm
Qty per carton: 5 pcs
Area per carton: 2.64 m2
Veneer: 4 mm
Nested boards in packs: Yes
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